Two incredible things happened on Tuesday.
Anthony got permanent housing. He’s been homeless for eight years, unsheltered for the majority of that time. He came in on Tuesday to problem solve. He can’t sleep because his new place is just too quiet. He’s never had his own room and certainly not his own apartment. He went from group situations as a kid to shelters and sleeping outside.
At MAAP we found him a gently used radio; one of you may have donated it. He also talked to another community member about getting an emotional support dog. Anthony enjoys it when Buster’s in the office and was able to think through what it would be like to work towards providing a home for a dog that offered him support.
Anthony also saw our Grassroots Giving Tuesday materials and asked about the campaign.
He gave $5 commenting: Many hands make a lighter load. Happy to help.
I immediately let our Board vice chair know who was running our Giving Tuesday efforts. Michelle has two decades of experience but she’ll tell you she’s never worked so hard to raise $1050 from 27 donors -- and never felt so good about it. She had heard all kinds of chatter about failed efforts of grassroots organizations being out shouted by larger organizations and she felt, despite our small dollar yield, that we were heard.
Here’s what Michelle wants you to know:
Anthony got housed and he gave.
MAAP meets an unmet need. Over 84 shelters and providers from 38 zip codes refer participants to MAAP because they can't provide the material aid and advocacy we do.
We provide material aid and advocacy to 2000 people each year with less than $100,000.
Today, we’re asking you to match Anthony’s gift of $5. If $5 seems too modest, give more. But we’re asking you to give today.
As Anthony said: Many hands make a lighter load.